Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Updates

Double-Digits in a Down Market

When I develop a new investment strategy, one of my guiding principles is that it must give my subscribers a chance to escape the passive “buy-and-hold” routine. It must work in both up and down markets. And it has to be “high-octane” enough to really beat the market when it’s on. Of course, doing something different from buy-and-hold means our results are almost always different from the broad market’s passive performance. Sometimes that works against us. Other times, it works in our favor. And the idea is that — over the long run — we come out far ahead of what the broad market can offer with buy-and-hold.

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No Trade Alert: Markets Closed for Memorial Day

The markets — and our offices — are closed today in observance of Memorial Day. So we don’t have any actions to take, and I won’t send a Weekly Trade Wrap video this week. Look for our next batch of trades at 2 p.m. Eastern on Monday, June 6.

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The Key to Win Bear Markets: Stay Disciplined

I shared with you yesterday how the bearish feel of the market is now palpable. I want to be clear that I don’t expect this new market environment to prevent us from achieving the profit-making potential of our two-day trade strategy for three reasons. For one, we’re making a two-day trade … not “buying and holding” the market. That means we’re setting ourselves up for the potential to capture a rally, even if it’s short-lived, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (the market’s most favorable days of the week). And even if the buy-and-hold return of stocks is negative on a particular week, from Monday’s open to Friday’s close.

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