Archive Category: 10X Stocks (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Close Out Your VIXY Hedge Trade

I recommended adding a long-volatility “hedge” position earlier this month. Today, I recommend selling it. Action to Take: Sell your shares of the ProShares VIX Short-Term ETF (NYSE: VIXY) at the market. We’ll suffer only a very minor loss on this trade. As I explained in my November 3 trade alert, we must keep this hedge trade on a “short leash.”

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Trade Alert: Add a Long-Volatility Hedge

While I am, by nature and experience, a “cautious optimist” who prefers to find market-beating opportunities on the bullish side of markets… And while the blueprint, strategy and tactics I’ve designed for this 10X Fortunes service are bullish… I want to repeat that the base-case scenario I’m on guard against is that the 2022 bear market goes “longer and lower” than most people expect.

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Trade Alert: No. 1 Company to Dominate the Global Solar Market

Babcock Ranch, Florida, calls itself “America’s first solar-powered town.” Make no mistake, this “town” isn’t a cobbled-together co-op of a few dozen neighbors who banded together and slapped solar panels on the roofs of their houses. Babcock Ranch is a master-planned community of thousands of homes, powered by a 700,000-panel solar array operated by Florida Power & Light … Florida’s largest electric utility … and a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Inc. (NYSE: NEE), the largest publicly traded utility conglomerate in the United States.

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Trade Alert: Bargain Stock to Harness the Oil and Gas Mega Trend

The last attempted assassination of a U.S. president was in March of 1981, when John W. Hinckley Jr. injured Ronald Reagan with a .22 caliber revolver. Whether it was causation or correlation, the S&P 500 topped out that week and fell into a minus 28% high-to-low bear market over the following 16 months. Geopolitical instability is, of course, an oft-cited risk to global financial markets. Many such events are true “black swans” — events that are both impossible to predict and highly impactful. Donald Rumsfeld popularized another label for these highly unpredictable and highly impactful risks, calling them “unknown unknowns.”

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Trade Alert: Telehealth App Paves Path to Profitability

Heads-up: This trade alert will also serve as this week’s 10X Fortunes update — so I won’t film a video update this week. However, I’ll be back next week with our monthly Members’ Mailbag. If you have questions about this stock — or anything else related to 10X Fortunes, please reach out to And keep an eye out next week for my answer to your question!

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