Archive Category: Green Zone Fortunes (Alerts)

Action to Take: Sell Shares of Insteel Industries For 44% Gain

We hit our stop-loss in Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) at the close Friday, so we’ll follow our risk management and exit the position. Action to take: Sell your shares of Insteel Industries (NYSE: IIIN) at the market. Last week, I recommended changing our stop-loss on 12 of our “core” positions, including IIIN … as a result, we’ll lock in a 44% gain by being disciplined and following our stop-loss guidance. Congratulations on those gains!

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Action to Take: Sell Shares of World Fuel Services Corp.

Our model portfolio has seen the impact of continued bear market volatility. If you missed my earlier trade alert to sell shares of Kulicke & Soffa Industries (Nasdaq: KLIC), click here to read it. Another model portfolio stock fell below our stop-loss this morning: World Fuel Services Corp. (NYSE: INT). We’ll follow our stop-loss guidance on this one too.

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Action to Take: Sell Shares of Kulicke & Soffa Industries

Shares of semiconductor packaging and assembly company Kulicke & Soffa Industries (Nasdaq: KLIC) dipped below our $43 stop-loss this morning. We’ll follow our risk management and exit the position. Action to take: Sell your shares of Kulicke & Soffa Industries (Nasdaq: KLIC) at the market.

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Trade Alert: Lock in Triple-Digit Gains on Half of CIVI

Today, we can enjoy a bright spot in an otherwise black-cloud market. I recommend you lock in partial profits of more than 100% on one of our positions: Civitas Resources Inc. (NYSE: CIVI). My team and I identified this Colorado-based oil and gas exploration company in March 2021, when it traded under the company name Bonanza Creek. At the time, tech stocks were still flying high.

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Action to Take: Sell Shares of Wipro Ltd.

In September 2020, we recommended buying into Indian technology consultant Wipro Ltd. (NYSE: WIT) to get exposure to the digital economy and cloud computing mega trends. We got into this position at just $4.58 a share, and we recommended locking in a 97% profit on half less than a year later, when the stock climbed above $9 by August 2021. After taking that profit, we recommended moving our stop-loss up to $6, thus guaranteeing another profit should the stock pull back to that level … which it did today.

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