Archive Category: Infinite Momentum Alert Archive

It’s “Refresh Day” – We Have Moves to Make!

It’s here again… “Refresh Day.” For Infinite Momentum Alert veterans who joined us last September, this is old hat. But for anyone who is new — having joined us in the last month or two — “Refresh Day” is a great time to jump in and establish your first 10-stock Infinite Momentum portfolio!

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AMSC Analysis: It’s More Than Just Momentum…

Last week, I promised we’d have a look at one of our current holdings, American Superconductor Corp. (Nasdaq: AMSC), through the lens of our three-factor Infinite Momentum system. Shares of AMSC are up an incredible 168% year-to-date, far outpacing the already-strong performance of the S&P 500. Have a look:

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A Flip-Flop Month for Our Strategy

In recent portfolio reviews, we’ve made detailed observations about divergences between the performances of our Infinite Momentum Alert portfolio and the broad market benchmarks. Last month, I noted how the market was up while our portfolio was up more. The month before that, we witnessed our portfolio being up while the market was down.

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Member’s Mailbag: How Stock Size Factors In

It’s time for another Member’s Mailbag! Though this month’s issue will be a bit different… First, we haven’t had a ton of new questions in our inbox recently. (If you want to help refill the queue, email my team and me at

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Outperforming in an “Up” Month

In last month’s performance review, we talked about how a concentrated portfolio like ours can produce “up” months while the market suffers a “down” month. It’s a wonderful thing when it happens! But since the stock market tends to be up more than half the time on a monthly basis … it’s also important that a systematic strategy can outperform during the market’s “up” months, too.

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