Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Alerts

Trade Alert: Sell Calls on C, CPB & PFE

Our trades looked good yesterday, but they took a turn for the worse in today’s session. We’ll have to close all three for losses this week. The largest one will be in Citigroup (C), where shares fell around 1.5%. Meanwhile, shares of Campbell Soup (CPB) lost a milder 0.6%, and Pfizer’s (PFE) stock is around breakeven … though we’ll lose just a bit on our call options due to time decay. In all, we’ll take a net loss on the week.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on C, CPB & PFE

Fresh off last week’s win, I’m excited to share another batch of trades with you. Just remember: Consistency is the key to success when it comes to systems trading. Since no one trade makes or breaks us (#NOTMOBU), it’s prudent to consistently allocate the same dollar amount to each Wednesday Windfalls trade. Now, on to those trades…

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on BMY, MDT & ABBV

I’m happy to report a win in our health care plays this week! We’ve seen two up days in Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY), as well as net advances in both Medtronic PLC (MDT) and AbbVie Inc. (ABBV). I’ll cover the exact details in your Weekly Trade Wrap video. But all it took were gains of between 1.3% and 2.2% to hand us not one but three windfalls this week. All told, we’re able to exit this week’s batch of trades with an impressive net profit. Congratulations!

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on BMY, MDT & ABBV

Some weeks, my system and I find buy signals across various sectors. Other weeks, there seems to be a concentration of favorable opportunities in just one or two sectors. And that’s the case this week… The broader health care sector has pulled back nearly 10% from its early-September high. That makes all health care stocks poised for a bounce.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on EA, FDX & CAG

I’m happy to report a bright spot this week. We’ve seen two up days in FedEx Corp. (FDX) and are able to exit that position for a solid win. I’ll cover the details in your Weekly Trade Wrap video. But all it took was a reasonable gain in shares of FDX for our call options to pay out. Of course, all it takes is a modest move lower in a stock for our calls to take a loss. And that’s what happened this week in both Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) and Conagra Brands Inc. (CAG).

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