We’re reaching into the mailbag again for this week’s edition of Feedback Friday.
Before we look at your great comments and questions, I just want to say thank you for all of the emails and comments on Money & Markets. We read everything you send in, and my team and I love seeing your enthusiasm for what we’re doing.
If you have a question, comment or concern, don’t hesitate to reach out to feedback@moneyandmarkets.com. We may even feature your comment on a future edition of Feedback Friday! (Note: We will never publish your full name.)
Now let’s jump into it.
Feedback Friday: 8,000 Ratings at Your Fingertips
If you keep up with our regular content on the site, you are familiar with Green Zone Ratings. Our Chief Investment Strategist Adam O’Dell spent years developing this system, which rates more than 8,000 stocks on a simple 0-100 scale.
You can go to our homepage to look up almost any stock that’s on your mind. Just look for the search bar in the top right corner:
But what happens when you can’t find a stock?
Gregory ran into this issue recently and sent in an email asking for help:
I followed the directions to find a stock (IBM) on Green Zone Ratings, but only 3 (popular stocks) I was not interested in popped up.
How do I get a rating on a stock I am interested in?
Do you have to log in to use the Green Zone Ratings? I logged in, but it did not seem to make any difference.
Thanks for reaching out, Gregory!
First, you do not have to be logged into Money & Markets to use Green Zone Ratings. Adam and the team wanted to make it as easy as possible for anyone to use his rating system to look up popular stocks.
Of course, being logged in gives you access to features, including Adam’s weekly watchlist. Every Thursday, Adam reveals 10 new stocks. These include some of the highest-rated stocks within Green Zone Ratings that week. Go here to create a free account and gain access to Adam’s watchlist now.
But you can look up any stock’s Green Zone Rating — without logging on, creating an account, or paying a dime — any time.
Regarding IBM’s stock rating — good news!
We’re not certain why the stock’s rating didn’t show up when you searched for it, but we’ve been working to improve every user’s experience on our homepage. We apologize for any inconvenience.
And now, you can see IBM’s rating by searching for the stock! (I’m including an image and link below for your ease of use.)

IBM’s Green Zone Rating on October 29, 2020.
If you run into this issue with a different company, there is a workaround.
If searching for a stock ticker doesn’t bring up the result you are looking for, you can search for the full company name.
In this case, it’s International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE: IBM). I know that’s a mouthful, but searching for the company name instead of the ticker should bring up the company’s Green Zone Ratings.
Thanks again for the question, Gregory. I hope this helps!
What about you? Is there a company that you want to know more about? (Our team, including myself, Matt Clark, Adam O’Dell and Charles Sizemore, meets regularly to discuss the topics we’ll write about, and your questions and comments are always front and center.)
Or maybe there’s a feature you would like to see within Green Zone Ratings?
Reach out to feedback@moneyandmarkets.com with anything that’s on your mind!
And stay tuned.
Adam’s been hard at work writing a book that shows you how to use the six-factor Green Zone Ratings system (one factor in particular) to find stocks that consistently beat the market by 3X.
I was lucky enough to get an advance copy, and I have to say, it’s changed the way I look at investing.
Adam, the team and I can’t wait to release it to you in the coming weeks!
Until then…
Chad Stone
Assistant Managing Editor
Money & Markets