3 Items on Trump’s Tax Cut 2.0 Agenda
Trump sees potential for massive reduction in capital gains, income tax rates and payroll taxes.
by Eugene Townes | Jan 23, 2020 | Personal Finance
Trump sees potential for massive reduction in capital gains, income tax rates and payroll taxes.
by Eugene Townes | Jan 23, 2020 | News
Mnuchin: “They’ll be tax cuts for the middle class, and we’ll also be looking at other incentives."
Kudlow: “(Trump) wants to afford as much relief and simplicity as possible for middle-income taxpayers.”
"The president would love to see another round of lower taxes to help middle-income workers and wage earners."
by JT Crowe | Jan 30, 2019 | Personal Finance
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the biggest tax code overhaul in 30 years, but was it a good ...
China reported on Monday that its exports to the U.S. slipped in December due to President Trump's tariffs.
The tax cuts haven't paid for themselves, but the economy wouldn't be where it is without them.
Republicans champion for the middle class in a second attempt to make the tax cuts permanent.
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