Tax season has been extended three months due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, and Banyan Hill Publishing’s Ted Bauman has the perfect resource to help get you the most out of your filing this year — and beyond.
Bauman’s book, “Pay $0 Taxes,” contains a number of secrets that have been used by America’s wealthiest to keep their tax bills as low as possible, and his book shares these valuable tips with you.

Banyan Hill’s Ted Bauman
“As a young man, I emigrated to South Africa. I graduated from the University of Cape Town with postgraduate degrees in economics, economic history and politics,” Bauman said. “So my background is a little different from what you might expect of a financial researcher and writer. But it gives me a useful perspective. I spent years in the non-profit sector. I did consulting work for the United Nations, the World Bank and South African government agencies.”
Bauman has made asset protection a linchpin of his personal quest in life, and as the editor of
, he helps people discover new ways to grow, manage and protect their wealth every day.“When my father encountered unexpected struggles during retirement, it inspired me to pursue a new mission in life,” Bauman said. “I realized he spent more time worrying about retirement than enjoying it. So I decided to put all of my knowledge, experiences and connections to use. I wanted to show Main Street Americans how to achieve financial freedom, no matter what stage of life they’re in.”
“Pay $0 Taxes,” which is one of several books Bauman has published to help average Americans who don’t have the luxury of being able to hire their own personal accountant to help them get as many tax breaks they can.
“As a Main Street American myself, I got tired of seeing the wealthy and well-connected cutting back their taxes with tricks that anybody could use if they knew about them,” Bauman said. “I decided to write this book to make sure that everybody pays as little tax as necessary, not just those who can afford fancy lawyers and accountants.”
The Treasury Department Internal Revenue Service recently extended federal tax season to July 15, 2020, which gives you even more time put some of the tips within Bauman’s book at play in your filing.
Taxes in the U.S. are overly confusing — the annotated U.S. tax code that lawyers use is over 75,000 pages long and grows by at least 10,000 pages every decade. But there are many who have learned how master the system and use the laws to the best of their advantage.
Per “Pay $0 Taxes“, did you know that:
- The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class?
- Many profitable U.S. corporations not only pay almost no tax at all … they even get billions in tax refunds?
You see, one function of the complex U.S. tax code is to ensure that we “little people remain unaware of the fundamental unfairness of the system … not to mention what our taxes actually pay for.
The U.S. tax code contains thousands of little-known tricks designed to benefit special interests that can afford lobbyists and lawyers to manipulate the politicians who control it. But it also contains tricks that can help you.
And Bauman’s book, which has recently been updated with the latest figures to ensure you get the most out of his tips during the now-extended 2020 tax season, has more to offer, including strategies on the best ways to file and how to find tax breaks that fit your lifestyle and spending habits.
Bauman offered up one of his favorite tax tips to Money & Markets that’s especially applicable during the recent market crash.
“I have lots of favorite tips, but right now the one I want everybody to remember is the fact that you can book capital losses as well as capital gains,” Bauman said. “If you do your numbers properly, you can take advantage of the current market crisis to save yourself a lot of money going to Uncle Sam.”
If that sounds appealing, there’s a whole lot more more in “Pay $0 Taxes.”
Perhaps the best part is you can receive a free copy (just pay a $4.95 processing fee) by following this link. You’ll also receive a free 3-month trial to The Bauman Letter.
Filing your taxes can be a nightmare that always feels like a lose-lose situation, but “Pay $0 Taxes” help can help you protect your wealth and thrive in tax season.