• We have just recorded this urgent 17-minute briefing “Six Immediate Threats to Your Stock Portfolio.” To watch it now, click here.

Today is Day 33 of the longest U.S. government shutdown in history.

But the shutdown is just one symptom of a vicious civil war in Washington.

And the Washington civil war is just one aspect of a powerful global cycle that’s descending not only on Washington, but also on Wall Street and the U.S. economy.

Sean Brodrick and Juan Villaverde are the only cycles experts in the world who saw it coming and have the track record to prove it.

And now, we’ve just released a new online video describing what they see next …

Six Immediate Threats to Your Stock Portfolio

The first threat is Wall Street’s plunging estimates of corporate earnings.

Moreover, this is a trend that was firmly in place well before the government shutdown began … and will continue long after the shutdown ends.

Back in September of last year, Wall Street expected that earnings per share for the first quarter of 2019 would be up 6.7 percent.

Two weeks ago, they downgraded their expected earnings growth to just 1.9 percent.

And just this past Friday, they downgraded their estimates again — to just 1.3 percent.

That makes a huge difference for investors — especially with most stock prices still priced for perfection.

But it’s just ONE of the immediate threats we’ll tell you about in our urgent briefing. In addition, we tell you …

  • When the next big leg of the bear market will begin
  • What the bond market is telling us right now about the Fed’s next moves
  • When gold will break out to new highs
  • Sean’s No. 1 gold stock pick
  • Which are the most vulnerable stocks and how to make a not-so-small killing when they fall out of bed.

Then, be sure to register for our most important event of all:

“4 Shocking Forecasts and 4 New Fortunes for 2019 and Beyond.”

All it takes is a single click here, and you’ll be all set for Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 2 p.m. EST.

Good luck and God bless!
