Archive Category: 10X Stocks (Alerts)

Trade Alert: A Second Entry Into Sensus Healthcare (SRTS)

Let’s be frank… A lot of professionals in the financial services industry — and, really, many men in general — have a hard time admitting it when we’re wrong. I guess the fear is that such admissions make us look weak, or at least they erode the confidence others have in us as people or advisors.

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Trade Alert: Is Bitcoin Back?

As I prepared to write today’s issue, the headline “Is Bitcoin Back?” came to mind. Then this morning on a company-wide conference call, our CEO Aaron James said within the first few minutes: “…And bitcoin is back…” So I guess that’s that — bitcoin is back!

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Trade Alert: 2 Ways to Play the Nuclear Mega Trend

They say: “Life imitates art,” or is it the other way around? At any rate, I find it no coincidence that a bright light is shining on the nuclear industry in 2023 — from Hollywood, California to … Piketon, Ohio? On the Hollywood side… Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer is the fifth highest-grossing movie of the year, taking in an impressive $322 million. The biographical film chronicles American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, known to many as the “father of the atomic bomb.”

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Trade Alert: An “Oil Man’s” Clean-Energy Company

“T. Boone Pickens.” If you have only a surface-level association with the name, you probably think of him as the Oklahoma-born businessman who made hundreds of millions of dollars in the oil and gas industry. Fair enough — he was and he did. Pickens was born in 1928 and passed in 2019, at the ripe age of 91. Not exactly the poster child demographic of the “clean energy” movement, right? But — despite pulling gobs and gobs of crude oil and natural gas from the ground — Pickens was indeed one of the first and most prominent “clean energy” pioneers.

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