Archive Category: 10X Stocks (Alerts)

Trade Alert: Telehealth App Paves Path to Profitability

Heads-up: This trade alert will also serve as this week’s 10X Fortunes update — so I won’t film a video update this week. However, I’ll be back next week with our monthly Members’ Mailbag. If you have questions about this stock — or anything else related to 10X Fortunes, please reach out to And keep an eye out next week for my answer to your question!

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Trade Alert: Drug Discovery Pioneer Set to Revolutionize Big Pharma!

Today, I’m excited to issue the second 10X Fortunes trade alert! It’s a bit ahead of the weekly cadence I presented and will serve as this week’s update, but I wanted you all to be able to make the trade sooner! I’ll be back next week with our Reader Mailbag — so be sure to send in your questions about this trade, our open positions or the 10X Fortunes system today. If you missed my “sneak peek” video last week, I shared my off-the-cuff observations and thoughts on the current state of the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. In short, stocks from both industry groups peaked well ahead of the broader market — in early 2021 versus early 2022.

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Trade Alerts

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