Archive Category: Wednesday Windfalls Alerts

Trade Alert: Buy Calls on CLF, CLR & UBER

You might have heard a thing or two about inflation in recent months? Last week, the most-watched gauge of inflation, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index (CPI), printed an annual rate of inflation of 6.2%. That’s the largest CPI surge in more than 30 years! While some companies suffer through inflationary environments, commodity-producing companies can make out like bandits, as the selling price of their goods can increase much faster than their expenses.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on T, XLU & MDT

There hasn’t been much movement in the three underlying stocks/ETFs we played this week. At last glance, price returns range from -0.1% on Medtronic PLC (MDT) to +0.9% on the Utilities Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLU). I can’t say with certainty since prices move … but I think we’ll be able to get out at or around breakeven this week. I’ll cover the details in your Weekly Trade Wrap video.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on T, XLU & MDT

This week’s three plays come from unique sectors, and we’ll gain additional diversification benefits by playing a sector ETF. Some folks think you can’t make good money trading ETFs because they don’t move as much as individual stocks. And while that’s true to a degree, particularly with regard to their shares … an options trade on an ETF can restore much of the “juice” you get with individual stocks while retaining the diversification benefits. I certainly include ETFs in the universe of potential Wednesday Windfalls trades. And when possible, I like to include one ETF play each week.

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Trade Alert: Sell Calls on INTC, V & VZ

Our trade on Intel (INTC) is looking good. Shares of the stock climbed higher both today and yesterday. Now, the stock’s gain of about 1.8% isn’t nearly the “half-the-gap” move I highlighted as a potentiality on Monday. Still, you should be able to sell your INTC calls for a solid gain — in the neighborhood of 100%, depending on your entry and exit prices.

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Trade Alert: Buy Calls on INTC, V & VZ

I have three exciting plays for you this week. Each company has one thing in common: They’ve reported quarterly earnings in recent weeks. As I mentioned, it’s easier to buy call options for a fair or cheap price after a company reports earnings. What’s more, investors tend overreact to earnings reports, setting up ideal conditions for mean-reversion, or “snap back,” trades.

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