Author: Michael Carr

Money Velocity Shows the Govt Can’t Prop the Economy up Forever

Looking at official data, it seems that the economy has fully recovered from the shutdown. This simple analysis understates the degree of the problem. Every dollar spent in the economy generally increases the value of GDP by more than a dollar. This is known as the velocity of money. But money velocity suggests economic contraction if you take away government support.

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The Fed’s Balance Sheet Doesn’t Match Its Words

Federal Reserve officials seem to be calm based on public statements. Recently Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell noted that risks are high but under control. It’s likely the Fed will continue adding to its balance sheet since the stock market seems dependent on that. As the Fed warned, lower asset prices could lead to strains in the financial system, and avoiding that is the Fed’s primary concern.

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4% Inflation Is the Magic Number

Inflation is increasing, but the Federal Reserve isn’t worried. Officials are confident higher prices are transitory. From an investor’s perspective, we need to hope they are correct. The most recent data showed inflation of 4.2% compared to a year ago. In the past, Consumer Price Index (CPI) readings above 4% have been associated with weak stock market returns. The future looks to be inflationary. The past says that’s bad news for investors.

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