Matt Clark, CMSA®
Chief Research Analyst, Money & Markets
Matt Clark is a 25-year journalism veteran … and the Chief Research Analyst here at Money & Markets.
Matthew’s grandfather — an aerospace engineer — taught him to look and question everything.
25 years of investigative journalism experience later, and Matt’s covered everything from college sports to politics and business to stock investing. He has been awarded for investigative journalism, business reporting, editorial writing and sports coverage.
Matt’s a numbers guy. He’s always looking for more opportunities to highlight stocks within the market’s biggest mega trends.
As the Chief Research Analyst for Money & Markets, Matt sifts through the market using Adam O’Dell’s Stock Power Ratings system — the stock-picking strategy that underpins our investing publications.
Matt is the lead analyst, writer and voice behind our Money & Markets Daily newsletter. Every weekday, Matt brings you a top-rated stock that’s worth investing in … or sometimes, a low-rated stock that you should avoid at all costs.
His recommendations have yielded triple-digit returns using Adam O’Dell’s six-factor Stock Power Ratings system.
When you click here, you’ll be able to see what Matt’s recommended recently. Make sure to fill your email address and sign up to see Money & Markets Daily in your inbox!
Matt’s research also helps drive the recommendations for Adam O’Dell’s premium services:
- Green Zone Fortunes: Our flagship, most popular newsletter, picking stocks in mega trends like AI, genomics, new energy … and more.
- Max Profit Alert: Here, we use options to maximize the profit potential from hidden opportunities that other investors miss.
- 10X Fortunes: On average … every year for the past decade … over 100 stocks have soared 1,000%. We’re looking for the best of those chances.
Click on the names above to learn more about each newsletter.
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