Author: Michael Carr

Citi Says This Is More Important Than Overvaluation

Disagreement is the reason the stock market exists. In general terms, buyers and sellers disagree with each other. While the entire business of Wall Street depends on this disagreement, right now, there seems to be universal agreement on an important fact: stocks are overvalued. But, as Citi analysts point out, other factors, more important ones, are bullish.

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Strong Quit Rate Suggests Higher Wages Are Coming

One of the important, decades-long debates in the U.S. has been about inequality. Some economists and politicians argue that wages aren’t high enough, believing that’s an indication that businesses have too much leverage in the economy. Fortunately, there’s a tool to measure how insecure workers feel: quit rate. And quit rates suggest that higher wages are coming as the post-pandemic economy returns to normalcy.

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