The Green Zone Power Ratings “Blacklist”

By now, you know the power of my Green Zone Power Ratings system. It rates thousands of stocks based on six hand-selected criteria: Momentum, Size, Volatility, Value, Quality, and Growth.
These six factors are used by some of the biggest investors in the game. They’re also the main drivers of market-beating returns… and warning signs of stocks headed for potentially massive losses.
In this, the Green Zone Power Ratings Blacklist, we’re focusing on the stocks you need to steer clear of to avoid these losses. I’ve broken it down and done all of the work for you, with a list of stocks that rank a 40 or below on the system — earning them a “Bearish” or worse rating. The list also gives you a “look under the hood” of a company and its stock, with each of the above six factors ranked alongside the overall score.
This is a guide to help you determine the direction of your investment journey. Use it to check the quality of stocks you’re interested in… or vet the names you hold in your portfolio now.
This list will be updated every week so you know right away which stocks you should steer clear of or sell out of your portfolio, immediately. You can peruse the list below by sorting for top or bottom-ranked overall scores, or on each of the factors. You can also download each week’s Blacklist as an Excel sheet or PDF to use however you like.