
Webinar Alert: Your Biggest Questions Answered

I’m pleased to announce the video broadcast of my Precision Profits webinar, where I respond to the questions many of you sent to us in the past few weeks.

What will you see in the video?

I asked JL Yastine, our editorial director, to join me in our Delray Beach, Florida studio; he relays your comments and questions, and I give the answers, including:

  • How do you get comfortable trading options if you haven’t done it before?
  • Can you get text messages of my recommendations to your smartphone?
  • What happens if you miss one of my trades, or don’t get your order filled?

That’s just a handful of your questions I’ll be discussing in the video. Please watch, because I want to make sure you are comfortable and confident using my Precision Profits system.

Click here to watch it now!

Until next time, good trading…

Jeff Opdyke
Editor, Precision Profits